Sunday, 28 June 2009

Oh No

Slapstick, booby trapped porcelain pieces.
A Project for Sevres (French Porcelain Manufacturer). Some words by Roland Lamb;

"With influences as diverse as Jackie Chan and the immortal conflict between Road Runner and Wyle E. Coyote, Thomas's photographic documentary shows how easy it is to decontextualize the perfection of a Sevres vase. Perfection, then, lies not in the object but the rituals and performances of value that take place around the object. Depending on one's subjective relation to Sevres production, the work evokes danger, humour, or even the sublime."

Photographs - Shikai Tsung

Everywhere I Can Draw From Where Im Sitting

Self Help Book Impersonations

This is from a series of wooden blocks painted to impersonate books.
Self help books are often bought and never read. The function is to admit your problem and feel like you are doing something about it.